Kitsap Public Health District
Perhaps you’ve never thought about how your local health district benefits you. Know that every minute of every day, we are on the job to keep you, your family, and everyone in our Kitsap community safe and healthy.
Eating out? We inspect our community’s restaurants and food retailers to ensure they’re meeting food safety standards.
Going to the beach? We’ve tested the water to ensure bacteria levels are safe for swimming—or that the shellfish are safe to eat.
Worried about getting sick or injured from hazards in the environment? We partner with Federal, State and local agencies to ensure that sewage, garbage or chemicals don’t pose a health risk to you through contact with water, air or ground.
Communicable diseases? We are your immunization experts. When communicable diseases occur, we identify them, isolate them and work with our local health care providers to stop them from spreading.
Birth and death certificates? That’s us.
Need medical care? We provide a limited number of services to individuals, while working with our community’s medical providers to improve access to care for everyone.
Learn more about what we do to safeguard your health on the following pages.
A board of local elected officials guides our work. If you are interested you may subscribe to Kitsap Public Health Board meeting notifications.