KITSAP COUNTY, WA — The Kitsap Public Health District has achieved reaccreditation from the national Public Heath Accreditation Board (PHAB), a milestone that affirms the Health District's commitment to providing high quality public health services to the Kitsap community.
The announcement follows a rigorous review process to ensure the Health District met PHAB's quality measures and standards. The Health District submitted more than 300 pieces of documentation to demonstrate its competence in more than 50 measures representing all aspects of its public health work. PHAB conducted a two-day site visit earlier this year.
The Health District was notified of its five-year reaccreditation on Dec. 3.
"Reaccreditation is a tremendous accomplishment that reflects the hard work and dedication of the Health District's employees and leadership," Kitsap Public Health Board Chair Dr. Tara Sell said. "Kitsap County residents should feel proud that their local public health agency achieves the highest national standards and confident in the agency's work to ensure quality public health outcomes."
"Reaccreditation is a tremendous accomplishment that reflects the hard work and dedication of Health District employees and leadership," Kitsap Public Health Board Chair Dr. Tara Sell said. "Kitsap County residents should feel proud that their local public health agency achieves the highest national standards and confident in the agency's work to ensure quality public health outcomes." Dr. Tara Sell, Chair, Kitsap Public Health Board
With support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), PHAB sets standards against which the nation’s governmental public health departments can continuously improve services and performance.
Kitsap Public Health was among the first local public health agencies in the state and nation to earn accreditation through PHAB in 2015. Reaccreditation was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic response. Kitsap Public Health is now the first local public health agency in Washington state to earn reaccreditation.
Established in 1947, the Kitsap Public Health District prevents disease and protects and promotes the health of all people in Kitsap County. The Health District employs more than 100 public health professionals whose work ranges from inspecting restaurants and septic systems, to tracing sources of water pollution, supporting the health of families and babies, promoting nutrition and active lifestyles, responding to infectious disease outbreaks, planning for disasters and emergencies, and gathering and analyzing health data, among many other vital public health activities.
The Health District is overseen by a 10-member Kitsap Public Health Board, composed of local elected officials, nonelected community members, and representatives from the Port Gamble S'Klallam and Suquamish tribes.
To learn more, visit kitsappublichealth.org or download the Health District's printable Program Guide.