Our vision: A safe and healthy Kitsap County for all.
Tobacco & Vapor Product Laws
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Smoking in Public Places (SIPP) Law
The Smoking in Public Places Law (SIPP) law, passed in 2005:
Bans indoor smoking in public places and places of employment;
Requires that hotels and motels have 75% of their rooms designated non-smoking rooms;
Requires that people who smoke outside of buildings must stay 25 feet away from doors, open windows, or air intake panels.
The SIPP law requires every local public health district to enforce the law and educate businesses and employers about the law so they know how to comply with it.
Vaping in Public Places (VIPP) Rules
Beginning on June 7, 2016, the use of vapor products is prohibited in any indoor public spaces. The use of vapor products within 25 feet from entrances, exits, windows that open and ventilation intakes that serve an enclosed is also prohibited. NOTE: See exemptions for vapor product retailers in 4.B of the ordinance).