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Kitsap Public Health District logo: a stick figure person that represents the "K" in Kitsap in a dark green-blue color.

Health Indicator

The kitsap landscape at sunrise with houses dotting across the ground, forest and trees, and the mountain range and sky.

Our vision: A safe and healthy Kitsap County for all.

Note: Health Indicator dashboards are not available on mobile devices. To view this dashboard, please visit this page on a computer or click the button below to view the dashboard on the Tableau Public website. 

Chronic Disease

Data: Chronic Disease in Kitsap County Factsheet

An overview of environmental factors, risk behaviors, and risk conditions that lead to chronic disease outcomes

  • Data: Adults Classified as Overweight/Obese
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Adults Classified as Overweight/Obese
    Data: Adults Reporting High Blood Pressure
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Adults Reporting High Blood Pressure
    Data: Adults Reporting High Cholesterol
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Adults Reporting High Cholesterol
    Data: Adults age 50 to 75 screened for colorectal cancer
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Adults age 50 to 75 screened for colorectal cancer
    Data: Adults who report at least 2.5 hours of physical activity per week
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Adults who report at least 2.5 hours of physical activity per week
    Data: Adults who reported ever being told they have diabetes
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Adults who reported ever being told they have diabetes
    Data: Breast Cancer Incidence in Women, Age-adjusted
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Breast Cancer Incidence in Women, Age-adjusted
    Data: Cervical Cancer Incidence, Age-adjusted
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Cervical Cancer Incidence, Age-adjusted
    Data: Chronic Health Conditions
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Chronic Health Conditions
    Data: Colorectal Cancer Incidence, Age-adjusted
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Colorectal Cancer Incidence, Age-adjusted
    Data: Students Classified as Overweight/Obese
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Students Classified as Overweight/Obese
    Data: Students Physically Active at Recommended Level
    Chronic Disease
    Data: Students Physically Active at Recommended Level
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