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Kitsap Public Health District logo: a stick figure person that represents the "K" in Kitsap in a dark green-blue color.
The kitsap landscape at sunrise with houses dotting across the ground, forest and trees, and the mountain range and sky.

Our vision: A safe and healthy Kitsap County for all.

Welcome to our Health Indicators library! This evolving collection of interactive dashboards displays key health data for Kitsap County. Questions? Email our team.  

Chronic Disease

Data: Adults Classified as Overweight/Obese

Chronic Disease

Data: Adults Reporting High Blood Pressure

Chronic Disease

Data: Adults Reporting High Cholesterol

Chronic Disease

Data: Adults age 50 to 75 screened for colorectal cancer

Chronic Disease

Data: Adults who report at least 2.5 hours of physical activity per week

Chronic Disease

Data: Adults who reported ever being told they have diabetes

Chronic Disease

Data: Breast Cancer Incidence in Women, Age-adjusted

Chronic Disease

Data: Cervical Cancer Incidence, Age-adjusted

Chronic Disease

Data: Chronic Disease in Kitsap County Factsheet

Chronic Disease

Data: Chronic Health Conditions

Chronic Disease

Data: Colorectal Cancer Incidence, Age-adjusted

Chronic Disease

Data: Students Classified as Overweight/Obese

Chronic Disease

Data: Students Physically Active at Recommended Level

Chronic Disease

Data: Women age 21 to 65 screened for cervical cancer

Chronic Disease

Data: Women age 50 to 74 screened for breast cancer

Climate Change

Data: Air Quality & Asthma Visits to Kitsap Emergency Departments

Climate Change

Data: Mean Travel Time to Work

Climate Change

Data: Temperature & Heat Related Visits to Emergency Departments

Climate Change

Data: Types of Transportation to Work for Workers 16 and older


Data: All Cause Death Rate


Data: Leading Causes of Death


Data: Leading Causes of Premature Death


Data: Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury Death


Data: Leading Causes of YPLL65


Data: Premature Death Rate


Data: Age Pyramid (school district)


Data: Area of Origin


Data: Foreign Born Residents


Data: Language Spoken at Home


Data: People Moving into the US Since 2010


Data: Population with a Disability


Data: Race/Ethnicity (school district)


Data: Residents Speaking a Language other than English at Home


Data: Residents Who Speak English Less than "Very Well"


Data: Total Population (school district)

Economic Well-being

Data: Adults Reporting Food Insecurity

Economic Well-being

Data: Food insecurity

Economic Well-being

Data: Food insecurity - Youth

Economic Well-being

Data: Households Without a Vehicle Available

Economic Well-being

Data: Median household income

Economic Well-being

Data: Overcrowded Housing Units

Economic Well-being

Data: Point-In-Time (PIT) Homelessness

Economic Well-being

Data: Population Living Below 100% of the FPL

Economic Well-being

Data: Population Living Below 200% of the FPL

Economic Well-being

Data: Public school students eligible for free/reduced lunch

Economic Well-being

Data: Public school students experiencing homelessness

Economic Well-being

Data: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Benefits

Economic Well-being

Data: Unemployment


Data: Children age 3-4 enrolled in school


Data: Graduated High School Within 4 Years


Data: Graduated High School Within 5 Years


Data: Kindergarten Readiness


Data: Population 25 and Older with More than a High School Education

Healthcare Access

Data: Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment (Medicaid)

Healthcare Access

Data: Adult Access to Preventive Ambulatory Health Services (Medicaid)

Healthcare Access

Data: Adults (19+) with Health Insurance by Type

Healthcare Access

Data: Adults (19+) without health insurance

Healthcare Access

Data: Adults who Reported Delaying Medical Care Due to Cost

Healthcare Access

Data: Adults who Reported Delaying Medical Care Due to Reasons Other Than Cost

Healthcare Access

Data: Breast Cancer Screening (Medicaid)

Healthcare Access

Data: Cervical Cancer Screening (Medicaid)

Healthcare Access

Data: Child and Adolescent Well-Care Visits (Medicaid)

Healthcare Access

Data: Dentist Rate

Healthcare Access

Data: Mental Health Provider Rate

Healthcare Access

Data: Population (all ages) without health insurance

Healthcare Access

Data: Population Enrolled in Medicaid

Healthcare Access

Data: Primary Care Physician Rate

Healthcare Access

Data: Well-Child Visits in the First 30 Months of Life (Medicaid)


Data: All Cause Hospitalization Rate per 100,000


Data: Leading Causes of Hospitalization


Data: Median Gross Rent


Data: Monthly Housing Costs 30% or More of Household Income


Data: Owner or Renter Occupied Housing Units

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Adequate Prenatal Care

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Birth Rate

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Births paid by Medicaid

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Births to Residents Younger than 18 Years Old

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Gestational Diabetes

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Gestational Hypertension

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Infant Mortality

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Leading Causes of Infant Death

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Life Expectancy

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Low birth weight (<2500 grams)

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Pregnancy Rate

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Premature Births

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Prenatal Care Initiation in First Trimester

Maternal and Child Health

Data: Residents Who Smoked During Pregnancy

Mental Health

Data: Adults Reporting "Not Good" Mental Health

Mental Health

Data: Adults Who Reported Being Told They Have a Depressive Disorder

Mental Health

Data: Adults who Reported Mental Distress

Mental Health

Data: Self-inflicted Injury Hospitalization Rate, Age-adjusted

Mental Health

Data: Students Who Reported Attempting Suicide in Past 12 Months

Mental Health

Data: Students Who Reported Being Bullied

Mental Health

Data: Students Who Reported Feeling Depressed in Past 12 Months

Mental Health

Data: Students Who Reported Making a Suicide Plan in Past 12 Months

Mental Health

Data: Students Who Reported Seriously Considering Suicide in Past 12 Months

Mental Health

Data: Students who Reported Not Having Adult Support

Mental Health

Data: Suicide Mortality Rate, Age-adjusted


Data: 65+ Fall Related Hospitalizations


Data: 65+ Fall Related Mortality


Data: Child Abuse and Neglect


Data: Crime Rate


Data: Domestic Violence


Data: Firearm Ownership & Behaviors


Data: Firearm-related Deaths


Data: Firearm-related Hospitalizations


Data: Homicide Rate


Data: Intentional Injury Hospitalizations


Data: Motor Vehicle Traffic-Related Injury Hospitalizations


Data: Sexual Assault Crimes


Data: YPLL65 Due to Firearms

Substance Use

Data: Adults Who Reported Currently Smoking

Substance Use

Data: Adults who Reported Alcohol Binge Drinking

Substance Use

Data: Alcohol-related deaths per 100,000

Substance Use

Data: Drug-related Hospitalization Rate, Age-adjusted

Substance Use

Data: Drug-related Mortality Rate, Age-adjusted

Substance Use

Data: Kitsap County EMS Opioid Overdose Surveillance Report

Substance Use

Data: Opioid-related Hospitalization Rate, Age-adjusted

Substance Use

Data: Opioid-related Mortality Rate, Age-adjusted

Substance Use

Data: Students Who Reported Drinking Alcohol in Past 30 Days

Substance Use

Data: Students Who Reported Smoking in Past 30 Days

Substance Use

Data: Students Who Reported Using Marijuana in Past 30 Days

Substance Use

Data: Students Who Reported Vaping in Past 30 Days

Substance Use

Data: Students who Reported Alcohol Binge Drinking


Data: Kitsap Public Health Core Indicators and Disparities Report


Data: Kitsap Public Health District Summary Indicators

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Health Indicators

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