Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease that affects the lungs and can spread to other organs. It is passed from person to person by air through coughing, sneezing, laughing, or even singing.
Young children, older adults, and people with health conditions are at higher risk for TB.
TB can be prevented, treated, and cured. If left untreated, TB causes severe illness and death. Learn more about who should be tested for TB.
Please note: We are not currently providing TB skin testing to the public. Please contact your healthcare provider or a clinic if you need a TB skin test.

Disease Information
Communicable diseases are diseases that spread between people or animals. Click on the buttons below to learn about specific diseases. For more disease information, visit the CDC's health topics index.

Our vision: A safe and healthy Kitsap County for all.
TB testing
There are two types of tests for tuberculosis (TB) infection:
TB blood test
Also called an interferon-gamma release assays or IGRA.
A TB blood test requires only one visit with a health care provider.
A TB blood test is recommended for people who have received the TB vaccine TB skin test (TST). (Bacille Calmette-Guérin or BCG vaccine).
TB skin test (TST)
A TB skin test requires two visits with your health care provider.
The TB vaccine may cause a false-positive TB skin test reaction.
If you need TB testing for employment, school or travel, we recommend the following:
Confirm which test (TST or IGRA) will satisfy the requirement for your situation.
Connect with your primary care provider (PCP) and request TB testing.
If TB testing is not available through your PCP, the following are also options:
Urgent care - call your local urgent care facility to inquire about TB testing appointments.
LabCorp OnDemand - outpatient lab service offering fee for service lab work with locations in Kitsap County.
Kitsap Public Health District is not currently providing TB testing to the public. Please contact your healthcare provider or a clinic if you need a TB test.
Reporting TB exposure
Our role
More TB information
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TB link
TB link
TB link
TB link